Men's Pure Woolen Chadar / Shawl
Mridanga Drum - Small - Tilak (20")
Srila Prabhupada Brass Deity 5"
Srila Prabhupada Murti 10.5"
Harinam Chadar Super Fine Cotton
Sitting Stool in Rajhastani Cloth
Boys Kurta -- Jute, White

Wonderful store for all!

By Ramona Barrett

I recently made a purchase and am beyond happy with my experience! My products arrived in a very sho ...

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Perfect Gift

By Jurate Balseviciute

I bought several things from Krishna Store for my best friend and she was really happy with it. Espe ...

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Great Products Unavailable Locally

By Tony Smith

When I worked in London in the 1970s and 80s, and was young and healthy, it was easy to pop along to ...

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By Matthias Lange

Thank you very much! The parcel arrived two days ago and everything is fine. The ordered items are g ...

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Outstanding Customer Service

By John Pellicci

Countless purchases from KrishnaStore over the years. Always satisfied. My most recent transaction e ...

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Thank you

By Chrissever Contreras

Thank you very much for all the service. Really loved the items.

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Pretty cool store that delivers

By Right Arms Of God

I got the book I ordered. Good experience with this company. Michael

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Very nice product

By Sebastien Brossard

Very good shopping. Rapid and good quality

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Great Service to devotees

By Sarvananda Gauranga Dasa

The works of Srila Prabhupada made available for Kindle is a great service. It helps utilize technol ...

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Love Krishna Music

By Tinju

I love Krishna music. I just ordered some music cd's and Prabhupads talks. They are great. I am olde ...

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Gaura-Nitai outfits

By Jan Potemkin

The outfits are very pretty and fit perfectly.

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Good products

By Francisco Javier Garcia Torres

Hare Krishna. They are good productos and no so much expensives,im happy to buy in Krishna Store.Yo ...

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Thank You

By Moumita Mukherjee

I would like to thank Krishna store for sending all the items that was placed. Every order was packe ...

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As Promised

By Jainend Kumar

Thank you very much for delivering me with such an awesome Laxmi Sunk. I was so pleased when I opene ...

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Purely Mystic

By Marcella Mitchell

I can without reservation, these incense products are able to transport your consciousness to a whol ...

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