Srila Prabhupada Brass Deity 5"
Mridanga Drum - Small - Tilak (20")
Little Master Boys Dhoti Cotton
Laddu Gopal Brass Deity 12"
Metal Parrot (set of 2)
Brass Black Krishna Standing (6")
Kurta -- South Indian Border
Ladies Purse Radha-Krishna
Big Kamadhenu Cow with Calf
Velvet Singhasan / Vyasasana 7x5"

Complete Series of Sri Caitanya Charitamrta - Perfect Bundle

By Sudhir Sekuri

As a sequential read after Bhagavad Gita (Spoken by lord) and Bhagavatam (About God), it is recommen ...

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fragrance oils wonderful

By Padmanabh N Desai

I have been ordering the 12/15 bottle fragrance oil sets since the last few years for prayers and an ...

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Amazing experience, thank you!!

By Florian Janner

I just received my first order from you, and I'm so happy!! Thank you so much! Delivery time was exa ...

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Amazing service

By Sheila Brennan

I have been dealing with Krishna Store for years and am delighted with the products, service and del ...

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very satisfied

By Sarret Myriam

I'm very satisfied. Items are like the description. Fast delivery for France.

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Great Chadar

By Mark Watters

Got the yak wool chadar just in time for ever. i've bought from Krishna store before ...

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By Graeme Brown

Good product and quick delivery. Many thanks!

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Fantastic Costomer Service.

By Enoa Millett

I am really thankful for your beautiful ministry at The Krishna Store. The staff is wonderful. Very ...

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Very satisfied

By Priya Prasad

Had all my items arrive on time. Each item was packaged very well and arrived safely!. Will be repu ...

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Everything beautiful And in time!

By Grace Dominguez Venegas

My exPerience with the store has Been amazing, all the products are beautiful And what You see in th ...

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Always satisfied!

By Naomi O'Connor

Love the Krishna Store!! Always the most professional service and awesome products. Thank you for al ...

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the best incense you can find anywhere

By Tony Clayton

beautiful handmade incense , very fast delivery really makes your day better to have such fantastic ...

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Very Good

By Pavan Kumar


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Your website is like a desire tree...

By Braja Banesvari dasi

I just wanted to send a short note to thank you for your devotional service of making Krsna consciou ...

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Very good and best service

By B. Srikanth Ragunath

Received the goods perfectly in good packaging conditions. The altar photos were nicely packed and b ...

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